Northern of West Bank
Type of services provided:
- Conduct /and assist LGUs in registering their fixed assets ;
- Valuate the registered fixed assets using the methodology and the standardized price list which were prepared by MDLF for this purpose;
- Collect all information necessary on individual fixed assets items, as stated in the fixed assets manual and valuation methodology;
- Compile a comprehensive fixed assets register;
- Train municipalities’ staff on fixed assets registration and valuation.
Brief Description: Fixed assets registration and valuation process was implemented in full coordination with the eight targeted municipalities ( Arraba , Tubas , Zaita, Quffin, Deir Istia, Kefel Hares, Kufor Tholoth and Azzun Municipalities), as per the methodology developed for this purpose by Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF) and following the MDP program for support the eight targeted Municipalities.